Kamis, 22 September 2016

My name is Anastasia Aca.I like selfie becausecan fill time and can for connection photograph only.
Selfie is photograph self or more with movement or force.Selfie the reason why  i chose this because of style that is easy to follw and not excessive.I also love selfie a time was happy.This selfie  photo at the time we atted the ANNUAL CONFERENCE held in Faculty Mathematic and Science Of Natural,H3.3 floor the new building this selfie because we got tired of waiting.

Kamis, 08 September 2016

                                   Now, tell your story

           Hello, ladies and gentlement
I will tell you about reason why I choose system computer. The reason I got faculty mathematics science knowledge natural education programs system computer, because I want into programer greatest and make robot that can into friend and too can bone back we in do something that we can`t working. I choose system computer this because inspired with teacher snior high school.
           At first actually I choose education mathematics, because inspired with teacher junior high school.